Red Shoulder Severum "Heros sp." Rotkeil Severum - Live Fish
Red Shoulder Severum "Heros sp." Rotkeil Severum - Live Fish
A very beautiful and rare fish fish in the hobby. The Rotkeil Severum is a large cichlid from Peru and other parts of the Amazon that has spectacular colors.
Native region: Upper Orinoco and upper Rio Negro basins, South America
Source of fish: Captive bred
Minimum tank requirements: 70-gallon tank with ample aeration and filtration
Diet: Pellets, flakes, blood worms or krill
Suitable tank mates: Uaru, Geophagus, Oscar, plecos, discus, Clown Loach and many others
Overall ease of maintenance: Easy (With good care, this is a relatively unchallenging species to have)
- Image in this listing is for reference only. Actual fish may slightly vary.
- Image of fish available not an exact image of the fish you will receive. We rotate stocks almost monthly.
- You will get same type, color & same grade.
- All live fish are quarantined and we made sure they are healthy, active and eating before listing.
- We ship Every Tuesday-Thursday
- All sizes listed are approximate.
- Healthy Tropical Live Fish from Rockland Aquarium
- We ship orders every Tuesday-Thursday
- Most orders received will be shipped the following week
- Local pick up is available at our store.
- Rockland Aquarium
- 132 Route 304
All Fish are feeding on Xtreme Aquatic Foods unless otherwise specified. To keep your fish eating once the arrive. Please consider purchasing Xtreme.
Xtreme Nano .5mm
Xtreme Cichlid Peewee 1.5mm
Xtreme Big Fella 3mm